

PT. Purwananta Putra Buana is general supplier for various kind of product Office Equipment and Educational Supplies (Aneka Kebutuhan Kantor dan Alat Peraga Pendidikan) with target markets in INDONESIA.

purwananta.co.id adalah perusahaan penyedia Office Equipment and Educational Supplies juga melayani manage service dan layanan purna jual ke seluruh wilayah Indonesia.

Pengalaman proyek kami dalam penyediaan Aneka Kebutuhan Kantor dan Alat Peraga Pendidikan serta sarana Office Equipment and Educational Supplies adalah teruji kualitas dan pelayanannya.

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Business Overview

purwananta.co.id Official website by PT. Purwananta Putra Buana is leading general supplier for various kind of product Aneka Kebutuhan Kantor dan Alat Peraga Pendidikan, Office Equipment and Educational Supplies with target market in Indonesia

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Contact Us

Endang Purwati
Mobile: +62 812 932 98571
WhatsApp: +62 812 932 98571
Telp./Fax.: +62 21 798-5454 / +62 21 798-8974
Address: Graha Mampang 1st Floor - Suite 101, Jl.Mampang Prapatan Raya kav.100
Jakarta Selatan 12790 INDONESIA
purwananta.co.id as PT. Purwananta Putra Buana is a leading company for equipment and educational supplies in Indonesia